
Friday, 14 September 2012

Diary Entrance

 First lesson
    When going around the school to take my pictures for my magazine cover and contents page, I had a structure in my mind that I would take pictures of students that are physically similar to the props assigned to them as this would give of the most convincing look to the images, I also wanted a large amount of scenery shots as these pictures will be used in the contents page mainly as the contents page usually consist of a few images to exemplify what each (if not each then some) of what the short description and page number is about.


    When deciding my images for the contents, I decided what images to use after I took all my images as I didn’t have a main idea unlike what I had for my cover page, as the images used in the contents could have been of mainly anything, I still kept it to relate to the text informing the reader of what pages to go to. Using the images as an illustration for the text helps the reader understand what the page numbers/text is about.
Front Cover   

    When doing my front cover page, both finding the pictures and editing the cover as a whole was already thought out, I had a main idea of what I wanted to do. Having one of my main images as one of the biggest pictures at the top of the cover page, as it would attract the readers eye to it the most and therefore be intrigued as to what it is about. I also decided to add another large image at the bottom, the same size as my promoting image which was also to get the readers eye. The image was of the Olympic flag and from this picture I related some of the headlines to that as it is also one of the main attractions and interets of readers at the moment.